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"To me, the greatest pleasure of writing is not what it's about, but the music the words make." - Truman Capote

The Buzz Bros Band is a unique Dutch formation named after the Busstra Brother, guitarist/composer Marnix Busstra and pianist Berthil Busstra. Togther with the ineensla grooving hit section of drummer Chris Strik and bassist René Dissel, the band creates an infectieus and irreplaceable sound of adventurous and catchy instrumental music.
It is the fervent interactivity in their playing and the accessibility inherent in their chosen musical idiom that makes the band so truly unique and fun to watch, hereby touching upon the essense of jazz and improvised music: personal interaction between the players, shared with those watching the performers. This makes the Buzz Bros Band accessible and interesting to a very wide and varied public.
“The Buzz Bros Band should, no, must be heard by everyone who loves incredibly beautiful electric jazz compositions.” -    Jean-Paul Heck, ‘de Slagwerkkrant’ (Dutch drummer’s magazine)

Featured on

The Same New Story - Live (cd&dvd)
Buzz Bros Band
Castle in the Air
Buzz Bros Band